
Latin Aamerican report on monocultures and violations of the human rights to adequate food and housing, to water, to land and to territory.
Maria Silvia Emanuelli (HIC-AL) Jennie Jonsén (FIAN Sweden and SAL) Sofía Monsalve Suárez (FIAN International)

Watch the first episode of MMP TV, "Infection in Our Health Care System," an hour-long investigation into the local impacts of the healthcare crisis in Philadelphia.

Video featuring Emem Okon, Director of ESCR-Net member organization Kebetkache Women Development and Resource Center in the Niger Delta.

Please find this questionnaire on the main advances and challenges women face in the exercise of their economic, social, and cultural rights free from all forms of discrimination from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR).

CIDSE (Cooperation Internationale pour le Developpement et la Solidarite), an international network of Catholic agencies of cooperation, and partner organizations realized a documentary on alternative strategies against the dominant model of natural resources extraction.

Click here to watch the documentary

Earlier this month Liberian environmental justice lawyer Alfred Lahai Brownell led a briefing on Bridgestone/Firestone's continued violations of child rights and environmental destruction.  As the leading lawyer on case the against Firestone, Brownell's research work with plantation workers influenced an Alien Tort Claims Act case filed against Firestone in the United States.

Read about several of this month's activities of ESCR-Net members and participants at the Human Rights Council towards making human rights real in times of global economic crisis.

Amnesty International welcomes the Obama administration's first full contribution to assess the human rights performance of governments around the world, and in particular, the Country Reports' expanded coverage of press freedoms and discrimination against vulnerable groups. However, for a thorough assessment of global human rights, the Country Reports should be more comprehensive and include all rights, not only civil and political, but also economic, social and cultural rights.  

Geneva/Guatemala: Several international organisations and networks that presented a report on the Right to Food call attention at national and international levels to the situation of hunger and malnutrition existing in Guatemala. They demand that the Right to Food be declared a national priority. Moreover, they urge to cease violence and threats against social, community, indigenous, peasant and trade union leaders, and to effectively protect human rights defenders.

On March 3, 2010, EarthRights International (ERI) argued to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals that the landmark environmental and public health case brought by indigenous Peruvian Achuar and the U.S. NGO Amazon Watch against Los Angeles-based oil giant Occidental Petroleum (Oxy), Maynas Carijano v. Occidental Petroleum, should be litigated in Los Angeles, where Oxy is headquartered.