
Indigenous Achuar From the Peruvian Amazon Face Off
Against Occidental Petroleum Over Destruction of Pristine Rainforest

(Los Angeles, CA) - A key hearing was held yesterday in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in the landmark environmental and public health case brought by indigenous Peruvian Achuar and the U.S. NGO Amazon Watch against Los Angeles-based oil giant Occidental Petroleum (OXY). The appeals court's decision will likely determine whether OXY will have to defend its 30 year-old legacy of massive pollution in the northeastern Peruvian Amazon in a courtroom in Los Angeles, just miles from its world headquarters, or whether the case will move to Peru.

20th Anniversary Symposium

Featuring prominent speakers from the global women's movement reflecting on body, economy and movement

March 6, 2010 (9:30 am - 5:30 pm)

Hunter College Assembly Hall (East 68th St. and Lexington Ave. New York, NY)

The United Nations Draft Guiding Principles on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights are currently being developed to provide guidance on the implementation of existing human rights norms and standards in the context of the fight against extreme poverty.

The State of the World's Indigenous Peoples is the result of a collaborative effort, organized by the Secretariat of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. Joji Carino from Tebtebba Foundation, an ESCR-Net member wrote the first chapter of the report; the chapter is titled Poverty and Well Being.

Read ESCR-Net members' response to WTO Director General, Pascal Lamy on the impact of trade liberalization on the realization of human rights.

December 10, 2009 marks the first anniversary of the adoption of the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. On this occasion, the International Coalition of NGO issued a statement calling upon States and civil society to mobilize their efforts for a rapid ratification and implementation of the Optional Protocol.

Western Shoshone Prevail at Ninth Circuit Court on Mt. Tenabo - Court Issues Ruling Enjoining Cortez Hills Open Pit Gold Mine. Court Agrees with Western Shoshone and Allies that the Interior Department's Approval of the Mine Likely Violated Federal Law.

Statement by Navanethem Pillay, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights during the signing ceremony of the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, held in New York on September 24, 2009.