
Last week, Vermont passed the first-ever universal health care bill in the U.S., creating a path toward a publicly financed system that will provide health care as a public good for all.

 Read a new letter from ESCR-Net member on the security and health situation in Egyptian prisons.

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Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer de la publication de notre rapport "...

The HRIA Report "Large-scale mining in Ecuador and human rights abuses."

An interview with Khaled Ali, a labor lawyer with the Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights.

Join New Tactics and Niko Lusiani of ESCR-Net for an online dialogue on Corporate Accountability Beyond Borders: Exploring home states' efforts to protect against business-related human rights abuses from February 23 to March 1, 2011.

The three members of the Egyptian Center for Housing Rights (ESCR-Net members) have been released from detainment in Egyptian prisons.

Draft Guidelines on Business and Human Rights

In June 2011 the Human Rights Council in Geneva will consider a proposal of the UN Secretary General's special representative on business and human rights, John Ruggie, on "Guiding Principles for the Implementation of the United Nation's...

An international fact-finding mission organized by Rights & Democracy in collaboration with La Coordinadora de integración de organizaciones económicas, campesinas, indígenas y originarias de Bolivia (CIOEC) arrives in Bolivia.

The Institute for Human Rights, Abo Akademi University; Chair in Human Rights Law, Stellenbosch University Law Faculty, South Africa; and the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, University of Oslo are jointly organizing a Course on Justiciability of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights: Theory and Practice.

The Social and Economic Rights Action Center (SERAC) has received the 2010 MacArthur Award for Creative and Effective Institutions (MACEI) in recognition of the organization's consistent work in the advancement and protection of economic, social and cultural rights in Nigeria.