
Indigenous and affected communities, human rights NGOs, and unions, including members of the ESCR-Net Corporate Accountability Working Group, participated in The Regional Consultation of the UN Special Representative of the Secretary General on Human Rights and Business in Bogotá, Colombia, 18-19 January 2007.  Twenty-five organizations jointly drafted and endorsed a common Declaration, containing clear recommendations.

Louise Arbour, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, calls for the need to focus on ESC rights in transitional justice work.

In April 2006, FIAN and Rights & Democracy carried out a fact-finding mission to Malawi, examining violations of the human right to food.  A report on the mission and its findings is available in English and in French.

The Centro de Derechos Económicos y Sociales (CDES) celebrates the Norwegian government's decision, announced on Monday Oct. 2, to cancel the debt of five countries, including Ecuador, equivalent to 80 million dollars. With this act, the Norwegian government has recognized the illegitimate nature of those debts contracted during the decade of the 70s to favor its Ship Export Campaign. This case has been widely documented by CDES since 2001.