Land and Natural Resources

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Working Group(s) / Area(s) of Work: 
Economic Policy
United States of America
Working Group(s) / Area(s) of Work: 
Women & ESCR
Corporate Accountability
Strategic Litigation
Economic Policy
In 1985 De Beers mining company drilled a borehole for prospecting purposes and some of the water was supplied to settlements in CKGR. The Government later evicted and resettled the Basarwa outside of the CKGR because they felt that human settlements were incompatible with the conservation of wildlife in the preserve. In an attempt to dissuade the Basarwa from returning, the borehole was also dismantled as it was the only source of water within 40km. In 2006, in the Sesana case, the Court found that this eviction was unconstitutional and allowed the Basarwa to return to the CKGR.


Security of land tenure is a necessary precondition in order to enable the full realization of a range of human rights,...

"People displaced due to Tucurui dam in Brazil have been left aside..."

Since February 2003, following the emergence of an armed conflict in the Darfur region of the Sudan, militiamen known as Janjaweed have engaged in forcibly evicting, killing, and raping thousands of Black indigenous people in that region.  The complainants alleged these acts were a failure of the government of Sudan to respect and protect the rights of the people of Darfur and in particular violated articles 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12 (1), 14, 16, 18 (1) and 22 of the African Charter on Human and People's Rights.  In affirming admissibility of the complaint, the Commission quoted its decisi

The Applicants alleged that their property rights in agricultural lands had been infringed by a provision in the Zimbabwean Constitution which effectively vested the ownership of all agricultural lands compulsorily acquired under it to the State, as well as racial discrimination in the application of the provision. The provision additionally ousted the jurisdiction of the courts to entertain any challenge concerning such acquisitions of agricultural land.

In September 2006, seven hooded and armed men kidnapped Rosmira Serrano Quintero's partner and killed her father, then told her to leave El Limoncito, where she lived, or else she and her daughters would also be killed, so she fled. In November 2006, she requested registration of herself and her daughters as displaced persons. Her application was denied by the Presidential Agency for Social Action and International Cooperation (Social Action). Ms.