Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (General)

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Five residents of Phiri in Soweto brought a case against the City of Johannesburg, Johannesburg Water (a company wholly owned by the City) and the national Minister for Water Affairs and Forestry. There were two key questions at issue.

Chers Membres,

Un an s'est écoulé depuis la Réunion de Stratégie internationale et l'Asemblée générale du Réseau-DESC qui s'est tenue à Nairobi en  Décembre 2008 - année qui a été intense et particulièrement exigeante pour le Réseau-DESC, compte tenu du dynamisme et des attentes générées...

Dear Members,

A year has passed since the International Strategy Meeting and ESCR-Net General Assembly held in Nairobi, Kenya in December 2008-a year that has been intense and particularly demanding for ESCR-Net, given the momentum and expectations generated at the meeting. Our Network has...

ESCR-Net and its members called for the Israeli government to honor international laws and the rights of the Palestinian population on the Gaza Strip, especially the right to health services.

On June 20, 2009 ESCR-Net coordinated a gathering of underrepresented groups to talk about how the economic crisis is affecting them.

 ESCR-Net Activity Update

Towards a Human Rights Response to the Financial Crisis and Global Economic Recession

17 July 2009

We would like to take this opportunity now to share...

Working Group(s) / Area(s) of Work: 
Corporate Accountability

The Colombian Constitutional Court has among its functions the review of tutela actions. The Court annually reviews a small proportion of the more than 300,000 tutela actions resolved by lower judges; 36% of which are related to the right to health according to data of the Colombian Ombudsman's Office for 2005. Decision T-760 of 2008 accumulated 22 of these cases. However, the Court did not limit itself to reviewing and resolving these individual cases.