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Human rights organizations called on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to cancel the illegitimate debt  and prioritize human rights and social protection in their plans and programs. ESCR-Net’s Economic Policy Working Group provided this space for its members in the African region to deepen the collective analysis of these debt crises, their histories and structural drivers, and the impacts on human rights while outlining alternatives and strategies for resistance.

Globally, countries are facing social, political, economic and environmental crises intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic. For low- and middle-income countries these crises have been compounded by debt burdens, constraining governments' ability to respond. This phenomenon has heightened...

Exclusion in data—which often reflects society’s values and biases about who and what counts—means exclusion in reality when it comes to crises and public policy.


UPDATED: On 9 March 2021, ESCR-Net sent a follow up letter to the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples and the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders regarding the ongoing criminalization and harassment of indigenous human rights...

From 8-11 May 2018, the Women and ESCR Working Group and the Strategic Litigation Working Group of ESCR-Net collaborated with our member, the Endorois Welfare Council (EWC), in facilitating a workshop on human rights principles and organizing for Endorois women leaders at Lake Bogoria in Kenya....

What is this case about?

In the 1970s, the Kenyan government evicted hundreds of Endorois families from their traditional lands around the Lake Bogoria area in the Rift Valley, to create a game reserve for tourism. In response, and after pursuing legal options at the...

Data and evidence can play a crucial role in advancing social justice and human rights. Yet ESCR-Net members have recognized that too often data production does not reflect the lived realities of peoples who face poverty, inequality and injustice.


On 29 June 2017, Kituo cha Sheria collaborated with the Kisumu Maximum Prison - Kodiaga Prison Justice Center in Kenya to commemorate the Access to Justice...