Disability (Persons with)

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This case began in 2014 with a human rights complaint filed on behalf of three individual complainants and the Disability Rights Coalition alleging systemic discrimination on the basis of disability and source of income in the provision of social assistance contrary to the Human Rights Act. The complainants alleged that the Province of Nova Scotia (the Province) had discriminated against them in the provision of social assistance due to their physical and mental disabilities and financial status. 

The Court first surveyed the domestic and international jurisprudence and legal frameworks guaranteeing the rights of persons with disabilities. The Court noted various articles under Colombia’s Constitution that protect the rights of persons with disabilities.

A space for collective learning, participation and diverse and regional organization: this was the Feminist Forum of the XV Regional Conference on Women held at the Espacio Memoria y Derechos Humanos (Ex ESMA) on November 7 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Luis Eduardo Guachalá Chimbo, aged 23 years old at the time of his disappearance, suffered from epileptic seizures since childhood. As of January 21, 2004, he was diagnosed with with a psychosocial disability. Due to insufficient income to cover Mr. Chimbo’s and his family’s basic needs, he was unable to consistently afford the medicines needed to treat his epileptic seizures.

The Plaintiff in this case is Martina Vera Rojas and her parents. Martina has Leigh Syndrome, a neurological and muscular condition that requires extensive care and treatment. Martina’s parents took out a health insurance policy with a private insurance company called Isapre MasVida that included special coverage for catastrophic illnesses and at-home treatment. In 2010, Martina was told that at-home treatment would no longer be included for chronic illnesses pursuant to a new regulation (Circular IF/No. 7), at the time, from the Superintendence of Health.

The Inter-American Court of Human Rights has issued a judgment in Guachalá Chimbó and Others vs. Ecuador, finding intersectional discrimination based on disability and class and violations of the right to...

In this case, the right of a student with an intellectual disability to obtain an official diploma attesting to the completion of his secondary school education on an equal basis was challenged in accordance with article 24 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which recognizes the right to inclusive education and prohibits any form of discrimination based on disability.

Anil Kumar Mahajan joined the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) in 1977, starting a career in which he was subjected to multiple suspensions and, ultimate, forcible retirement in connection with a mental health disability. He was placed under suspension from February 17-24, 1988. From February 24, 1988 until February 24, 1990, he was suspended a second time. He was placed under a third suspension on May 20, 1993, subjected to official inquiries, and ordered to appear before a Medical Board.

The Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia (ACIJ), the Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (ADC), the Asociación Síndrome de Down de la República Argentina (ASDRA) and the Red por los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad (REDI) filed a collective action for protection with the aim of having the National State (Ministry of Education - National Directorate for Information and Evaluation of Educational Quality) take the necessary measures to produce sufficient and appropriate information on the educational trajectories of students with disabilities.