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CDESC confirma que el derecho a la vivienda es aplicable a acuerdos privados de renta

En octubre de 2013, Mohamed Ben Djazia, Naouel Bellili y sus hijos menores fueron desalojados de la vivienda que alquilaban en Madrid, España, después de que venció su contrato privado de alquiler. En ese momento España pasaba por una crisis económica devastadora, con altos niveles de desempleo, que había afectado también a la familia Ben Djazia-Bellili, por lo que no habían podido pagar el alquiler por cierto tiempo. Ben Djazia había solicitado una vivienda social en repetidas oportunidades durante más de una década, pero recibió siempre una respuesta negativa.

CESCR confirms right to housing applies to private tenancy arrangements

In October 2013, Mohamed Ben Djazia, Naouel Bellili and their two minor children were evicted from the home they had rented in Madrid, Spain, after their private rental contract expired. Spain was then experiencing a devastating economic crisis with high levels of unemployment, and this had affected the Ben Djazia-Bellili family, leaving them unable to pay rent for some time. Mr. Ben Djazia had repeatedly applied for social housing for well over a decade and was denied each time.

On May 14, 1990, Gregoria López Ostra filed a report before the European Commission on Human Rights against the Spanish State. She claimed that the State’s failure to take any measures against the smell, noise and contaminating smokes originated in a solid and liquid waste treatment plant located a few meters away from her home violated her rights to physical integrity (Article 3 of European Convention on Human Rights) and to respect for the home and private life (Article 8 of the Convention).