Rough road to equality - Women Police in Bangladesh

Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative

The report critically examines the situation of women in policing in Bangladesh. It is based on the premise that gender equality, besides being a value to be upheld in and of itself, is a vital attribute for effective and genuinely impartial law enforcement. At its core, the report champions the inclusion of women in policing on the utilitarian ground that in today’s policing the maximum police functions can be performed by either gender and there is little to support the myth that policing is a ‘man’s work’ alone.

ESCR-net member Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative’s (CHRI) police reforms program aims to realize increased demand for rights-based police reform and the strengthening of police accountability in the Commonwealth.  In the regions of South Asia and East Africa where CHRI works, policing is often characterized by brutality, torture, partiality, illegal arrest and detention, corruption and abuse of due process. Illegitimate political interference in police operations has a direct impact on policing. Meanwhile, police officers and organizations are unsupported, under-resourced and work in extremely challenging circumstances.  CHRI work with the police, governments, independent institutions, and civil society actors to improve policing, advocating for human rights based, accountable police practices. 

Taking advantage of being a pan-Commonwealth organization, CHRI strives to promote cross sharing and exchange of technical advice and knowledge of comparative best practice in police reform and accountability from across the Commonwealth. CHRI published two reports to further provide technical expertise and knowledge of policing and reform issues. 

To find the report on Women police in Bangladesh, click here.
