
From 24 - 28 October, a delegation of ESCR-Net members attended the 8th session of the negotiations for a Legally Binding Instrument on business and human rights (OIGWG). Alongside allies, members advocated for an instrument to regulate corporate power, and also against corporate capture of the treaty process and of the UN more generally.

Algiers-Geneva-Paris-Tunis, 14 December 2022

Mr. Aïmene Benabderrahmane, Prime Minister

Mr. Ramtame Lamamra, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Brahim Merad, Minister of the Interior

M . Abderrachid Tabi,...

A space for collective learning, participation and diverse and regional organization: this was the Feminist Forum of the XV Regional Conference on Women held at the Espacio Memoria y Derechos Humanos (Ex ESMA) on November 7 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

We, the undersigned organisations, express our utmost concern over the ongoing criminalization of ten human rights defenders and members of Karapatan, GABRIELA and the Rural Missionaries of the Philippines (RMP) in retaliation for their legitimate human rights work.

Elisa Tita...

On November 28, an international coalition of human rights organizations filed a legal opinion before the Constitutional Court of Serbia requesting judicial review of the Social Card Law – a law touted as promoting efficiency in the social protection system, but which the organizations argue falls within a dangerous global trend of digitalization of welfare state systems that is punishing and violating the human rights of the most marginalized communities.

This year alone we have seen extreme weather events and slow-onset processes resulting in catastrophic loss and damage (impacts of climate change that cannot be avoided through adaptation and mitigation activities), leading to serious human rights harm all across the world affecting millions of people, for which historical and present responsibility lies with wealthy, highly industrialized countries and powerful corporate actors. Loss and damage is a human rights crisis (more on our analysis here), and States, particularly wealthy and highly industrialized nations, have clear legal obligations to urgently and meaningfully address loss and damage, both in terms of the symptoms and the root causes. Many ESCR-Net members confront climate impacts on the frontlines and forcefully resist the structural drivers thereof. Loss and damage has thus been taken up as a collective ESCR-Net priority for the past three years.

A collective of ESCR-Net members and allied organizations filed an amicus curiae brief on international human rights, environmental, and comparative law standards to the Inter-American Court...

ESCR-Net was privileged to present the collective statement of civil society organizations (CSO) in one of the high-level events. A promising outcome of this advocacy is the initial commitment by some banks to integrate a human rights-based approach in their plans and programs. 

On September 27, 2022, ESCR-Net’s Environment and ESCR Networkwide Project and Strategic Litigation Working Group co- hosted an online discussion on climate and human rights litigation: Ensuring access to international justice for climate-related human rights violations. Members from...

There is no denying that the historical and present responsibility for the climate crisis lies primarily with wealthy, highly industrialized countries and powerful corporate actors. Despite contributing the least to the climate crisis, frontline communities in the Global South are paying the price with the destruction of their territories and the erasure of their cultural heritage.