Collective Work

On Thursday, April 25, 2024, members of the ESCR-Net will present two oral interventions before the Inter-American Court in Barbados. Members will address issues such as loss and damage and ask the Court to rule on climate reparations and on States' obligations to ensure human rights under...

On 30 November 2023, ESCR-Net sent a collective submission in response to the call for inputs issued by the Special...

This advocacy briefing is grounded in the mutual exchange among ESCR-Net members, particularly facilitated through the Working Group on Environment and ESCR. Drawing on years of analysis focused on the realities of climate injustices and the intricate relationship between loss and damage and...

The urgency of the climate crisis is reaching courts all around the world, including international tribunals, and ESCR-Net members are deeply engaged.

Climate litigation is pending or soon expected in all three regional human rights systems, in addition to the International Court of...

On 19 December 2022, the United Nations Biodiversity Conference, held in Montreal, ended with the adoption of the “Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework” (GBF), a landmark agreement on measures considered critical to address the dangerous loss of biodiversity and restore natural ecosystems.

Amidst a triple planetary crisis (climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss) with existential stakes and devastating impacts for the human rights of billions of people across regions, the universal recognition in 2022 of the human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment is...