
Onglets principaux


The petitioners are an Israeli Arab couple who wanted to build their house in the settlement of Katsir in Israel. Their request was rejected as they were Arabs and as the lands on which the settlement of Katzir was built were designed exclusively for Jews. Indeed, these lands were allocated by the State of Israel to the Jewish Agency for Israel which in turn transferred it to an agency that only sold plots to Jews. The petitioner claimed that the policy according to which settlements are established exclusively for Jews violates the principle of equality.

Los peticionarios son una pareja árabe/israelí que deseaba construir su casa en el asentamiento de Katzir, en Israel. Su solicitud fue rechazada porque eran árabes y las tierras en las que se construyó el asentamiento de Katzir habían sido designadas exclusivamente para judíos. Concretamente, las tierras eran asignadas por el Estado de Israel a la autoridad denominada "Jewish Agency for Israel", la cual las transfería a un organismo que vendía terrenos solamente a judíos.