Current Members

Abdoul Aziz Niang

Ingénieur statisticien

Action Contre l'Impunité pour les Droits Humains, ACIDH

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Action For Social Rights, AfSoR

Sierra Leone

Action For Social Rights is an indigenous non-governmental human rights organization that advocates for the protection and promotion of social rights through effective coordination with like-minded organizations in Sierra Leone and abroad.  

Actionaid International

South Africa

Our mission is to work with poor and excluded people to eradicate poverty and injustice.

Adams Aswani

Concern Worldwide in Tanzania and Uganda

Aswani Adams is the Rights Based Livelihoods Programme Manager at Concern Worldwide.

Africa Magongo

Swaziland Federation of Trade Unions (also Swaziland Nurses Association), SFTU

 Africa Magongo is President of the Swaziland Federation of Trade Unions (SFTU)

African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies, (ACDHRS)


We advocate peoples' control over their natural livelihood resources like land, water, forest and minerals.

Afro-Colombian National Movement, CIMARRON




CIMARRON is the Afro-Colombian National Organization that promotes the autonomous organization, social development and ethnic education of the Afro-Colombian communities, seeking the true exercise of their human rights, and the elimination of discriminatory and exclusionary practices that have historically affected the nation.

Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights


Al Mezan Center for Human Rights is a Palestinian non-governmental non-partisan organization based in the refugee camp of Jabalia in the Gaza Strip. Al Mezan's mandate is to promote, protect and prevent violations of human rights in general and economic, social and cultural (ESC) rights in particular, to provide effective aid to those victims of such violations, and to enhance the quality of life of the community in marginalized sectors of the Gaza Strip.

Aliança para Promoçao do Densevolvimento da Comuna de Hoji ya Henda , APDCH


Alicia Ely Yamin

Joseph H Flom Fellow on Global health and Human Rights, Harvard Law School ; Instructor, Harvard School of Public Health
United States of America

Alicia Ely Yamin  is a Global Health and Human Rights Fellow with the Human Rights Program and the Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics at Harvard Law School. She is an instructor in law and public health at the Harvard School of Public Health and director of Research and Investigations at Physicians for Human Rights. She has been a leader in the conceptualization of rights-based approaches to health, authoring dozens of articles and conducting ground-breaking fieldwork.

Alison Symington

Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network

 Alison Symington is the Senior Policy Analyst for The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, Canada's leading advocacy organization working on the legal and human rights issues raised by HIV/AIDS domestically and abroad.

Alliance for Holistic and Sustainable
Development of Communities, AHSDC


We advocate peoples' control over their natural livelihood resources
like land, water, forest and minerals.

Amnesty International, AI

United Kingdom

Amnesty International’s vision is of a world in which every person enjoys all of the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights instruments. In pursuit of this vision, Amnesty International’s mission is to undertake research and action focused on preventing and ending grave abuses of these rights.

Anna Cody

Kingsford Legal Centre

Anna Cody is The Director of Kingsford Legal Centre. She has worked in El Salvador with women from poor communities, in Mexico on issues of reproductive health, in Alice Springs Australia setting up a domestic violence service and in New York with a human rights organization documenting and advocating around human rights and mining issues.


Asia Pacific Forum on Women,
Law and Development, APWLD


APWLD is a regional, women's rights network that initiates and promotes regional and international advocacy on women's rights and development.   


Asian Foundation for Human Rights and Development,


The Mission of FORUM-ASIA is to promote and protect human rights for all, and to purport the right to development through collaboration and cooperation among human rights organizations in the Asian region.


Asian Human Rights Commission, AHRC


The AHRC is an independent, non-governmental body, which seeks to promote greater awareness and realisation of human rights in the Asian region, and to mobilise Asian and international public opinion to obtain relief and redress for the victims of human rights violations. AHRC promotes civil and political rights, as well as economic, social and cultural rights.

Asian Institute for Human Rights, AIHR


Asociacion Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia , ACIJ



La Asociacion Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia (ACIJ) is a non-partisan organization, without Profit-making aim, constituted like an space where the citizens can participate, give purposes and train themselves to make a fair and equitative society. The mission of the ACIJ is to contribute in the development and reorganization of the Argentinean institutions, promote the respect of the fundamental rights and work to protect the most vulnerable groups in society.

Asociación Comité de Familiares de Victimas de Violaciones a los Derechos Humanos “Marianella Garcia Villas”, CODEFAM

El Salvador

CODEFAM is a non-profit organization committed to advocating and empowering the rights of victims of human rights violations, fighting against impunity and strengthening the rule of law, peace and democracy building efforts.

Asociacion Q'ukumatz


 The ASOCIACION Q'UKUMATZ contribute to the integral development of the Guatemalan villages, specially of the indigenous villages, prioritizing in women and children, by the understanding that the integral development is not just enconomic contributions and support, it is also the right to participate in information process, capacitation that permit to generate the corrrect tools to promote the self develoment and with this a better quality of life with dignity.

Association Africaine de Défense des Droits de l'Homme (Représentation du Katanga) , ASADHO/Katanga

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Association for Women's Rights in Development, AWID


The Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID) is an international, multi-generational, feminist, creative, future-orientated membership organization committed to achieving gender equality, sustainable development and women's human rights. A dynamic network of women and men around the world, AWID members are researchers, academics, students, educators, activists, business people, policy-makers, development practitioners, funders, and more.

Association Nigérienne de Défense des Droits de l'Homme , ANDDH


The Mission of L'Association Nigerienne pour la Défense des Droits de l'Homme is an NGO working to promote human rights, liberty and justice in Niger in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Fields of activity include :

Human rights, Public policy, Advocacy

Association of Environmental Lawyers of Liberia,
Green Advocates


The Association of Environmental Lawyers of Liberia (Green Advocates) is Liberia's first and only public interest environmental law organization dedicated to  ensuring the protection of the environment, defending human rights, empowering and amplifying the voices of poor people who are victimized in resource exploitationand by using the rule of law to hold state and non state actors accountable for their actions.

Avocats Sans Frontières , ASF


Avocats Sans Frontières is an international nongovernmental organisation. Its mission is to independently contribute to the creation of fair and equitable societies in which the law serves society's most vulnerable groups. Its principle aim is to contribute to the establishment of institutions and mechanisms allowing for independent and impartial access to justice, capable of assuring legal security, and able to guarantee the protection and effectiveness of fundamental rights (civil and political, economic and social).

Ayman Bardawil

Al-Quds Educational Television Institute of Modern Media, Al-Quds University, AETV

BAOBAB For Women's Human Rights, BAOBAB


BAOBAB For Women's Human Rights is a not for profit, non-governmental women's human rights organization, which focuses on women's legal rights issues under the three (3) systems of law - customary, statutory and religious laws in Nigeria 

Bretton Woods Project, BWP

United Kingdom

 The Bretton Woods Project works as a networker, information-provider, media informant and watchdog to scrutinise and influence the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF). Through briefings, reports and the bimonthly digest Bretton Woods Update, it monitors projects, policy reforms and the overall management of the Bretton Woods institutions with special emphasis on environmental and social concerns.

Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation , BGRF


BGRF is an independent non-governmental organization that promotes social equality and women’s human rights in Bulgaria through research, education and advocacy programs. Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation was founded in June 1998 in Sofia by women committed to work in the field of women’s rights and all of them with previous experience in advocacy, education, monitoring violations of human rights, lobbying for legislative changes, preparing publications, networking. The group consists of lawyers, academics and women’s rights activists. The group was formed because all the founders strongly felt that there was a need for specific research, education and advocacy in the area of women’s rights.

Bulgarian Helsinki Committee, BHC


The Bulgarian Helsinki Committee was established in July 1992 as an independent non-governmental organisation for the protection of human rights. In 1993 it became a member of the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights, which represents 46 independent human rights organisations in Europe, the former Soviet Union, and North America working together internationally to insist on compliance with human rights standards. The objectives of the committee are to promote respect for the human rights of every individual, to stimulate legislative reform to bring Bulgarian legislation in line with international human rights standards, to trigger public debate on human rights issues, to carry out advocacy for the protection of human rights, and to popularise and make widely available human rights instruments.

Butere Focused Women in Development, BUFOWODE


The mission of BUFOWODE is to have a free, just democratic society. 

Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network


The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network promotes the human rights of people living with and vulnerable to HIV/AIDS, in Canada and internationally. We accomplish this through research, legal and policy analysis, education, advocacy, and community mobilization.

Carol Jane Ransley

Human Rights Consultant

Center for Constitutional Rights , CCR

United States of America

The Center for Constitutional Rights is dedicated to advancing and protecting the rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Founded in 1966 by attorneys who represented civil rights movements in the South, CCR is a non-profit legal and educational organization committed to the creative use of law as a positive force for social change.

Center for Economic and Social Rights


CESR's mission is to advocate for social justice using human rights tools and strategies. For more than ten years we have contributed to the development of a human rights culture that integrates economic security, social equality, and political freedom as established in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We build relationships with civil society groups and strengthen local initiatives for economic justice by connecting them with international institutions and legal mechanisms for protecting human rights.

Center for Economics, Social and Cultural Rights Promotion, ESCR-PRO


ESCR-PRO is an Asian-Pacific coalition of human rights and development organizations which are dedicated to promoting economic, social and cultural rights through capacity building, public awareness, advocacy, and networking  to enable vulnerable people, particularly women,  to claim their rights and increase their capability to reduce their poverty.

Center for Minority Rights Development , CEMIRIDE


CEMIRIDE is an advocacy organization devoted to strengthening the capacities of minority and indigenous communities in Kenya and East Africa to secure the respect, promotion and protection of their rights.

Center for Reproductive Rights, CRR

United States of America

The Center for Reproductive Rights is an international human rights organization which uses human rights law to secure women’s reproductive rights as fundamental rights that all governments are legally obligated to protect, respect and fulfill. 

Center for Women's Global Leadership , CWGL

United States of America

The Center for Women's Global Leadership (CWGL) was founded at Rutgers University in 1989 with the mission "to develop and facilitate women's leadership for women's human rights and social justice worldwide."  For almost two decades, the Center has played a key role in developing a core of women leaders from around the world who have advanced an understanding of women's rights as human rights and helped to shape a women's human rights paradigm and movement that has transformed both human rights and the ways that women's issues are understood. While the Center's commitment to this mission remains firm, it is in the midst of a major leadership transition and organizational capacity building process aimed at strengthening its ability to continue fulfilling its goals in the future. 

Center of Concern, COC

United States of America

 The mission of the Center of Concern is grounded in shared Religious Social Values and the challenges of Catholic Social Teaching. It emphasizes solidarity with those in poverty throughout the world. The Center's main focus is social justice and the transformation of inequitable structures and systems.

Centre d'Information Juridique/Femme Justice Aide, CIJG/FJA

Equatorial Guinea

Centre for Applied Legal Studies, CALS

South Africa

  The Centre for Applied Legal Studies (CALS) is an independent organization committed to promoting democracy, justice, equality and peace in South Africa addressing and undoing our country's legacy of oppression and discrimination through the realization of human rights for all South African under a just constitutional and legal order.

Centre for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights,


To strengthen the capacity of the grassroot people in Kenya in advocating and realizing their economic and social rights.

Centre for Equality Rights in Accomodation, CERA


 The Centre for Equality Rights in Accommodation is a non-profit human rights organization that promotes human rights in housing. CERA works to remove the barriers that keep disadvantaged individuals and families from accessing and retaining the housing they need.

Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions, COHRE


 The Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) is an independent, non-governmental, not-for-profit human rights organisation established in 1994 in the Netherlands and now based in Geneva, Switzerland. We are one of the principal agencies focusing on the human right to housing and on forced evictions at the international level. We work closely with an extensive network of partner organisations and community activists around the world, without whose involvement and support COHRE's work would not be possible.


Centro de Apoyo Comunitario Trabajando Unidos, CACTUS


CACTUS is a civil society organization formed by an interdisciplinary team committed to our peoples, because we are part of them (for us the individual and the community are at the center). We work together with impoverished communities to change the dehumanizing structures that are excluding us, seeking justice and dignity, and always taking care of our environment.

Centro de Asesoria Laboral del Peru , CEDAL


 CEDAL promotes the practice of a culture of comprehensive human rights that contributes to the support of human development through the strenghtening of the citizenship and  economic and social justice.

Centro de Capacitación y Desarrollo de la Mujer y la Familia , CECADEM


Centro de Derechos Económicos y Sociales (Center for Economic and Social Rights), CDES


Centro de Derechos Economicos y Sociales seeks to promote economic, social and cultural rights through the development of an alternative social and political model. Using  public policies, multidisciplinary investigation,  campaigns of pressure, monitoring and denouncement of human rights violators and encouragement of citizen participation , CDES seeks to promote the implementation of justice.

Centro de Derechos Humanos y Ambiente (Center for Human Rights and Environment), CEDHA


 Created in 1999, the Center for Human Rights and Environment (CEDHA) is a non-profit organization which aims to build a more harmonious relationship between the environment and people. Our work centers on promoting greater access to justice and guarantee human rights for victims of environmental degradation, or due to non-sustainable management of natural resources, and to prevent future violations.

Centro de Estudios Aplicados a los Derechos Económicos Sociales y Culturales , CEADESC


Centro de Estudios de Derecho, Justicia y Sociedad , Dejusticia


The Center for the Study of Law, Justice and Society (DeJusticia) participates in debates on law, institutions, and public policies in Colombia and Latin America through research and advocacy that promote human rights and social equality, and deepen democracy and the rule of law.

Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (Center for Legal and Social Studies), CELS


  The Center for Legal and Social Studies (CELS) is a non-governmental organization founded in 1979 to foster and protect human rights and to strengthen the democratic system and the state of law in Argentina.

Charter Committee on Poverty Issues, CCPI


CCPI is a national coalition founded in 1989 to bring together low-income activists and poverty law advocates for the purpose of assisting poor people in Canada to secure and assert their rights under international human rights law, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (the "Charter"), human rights legislation and other laws in Canada.

Child Rights Information Network , CRIN

United Kingdom

Guided by our passion for social and legal change, CRIN has built a global network for children's rights. We press for rights, not charity, and advocate for a genuine systemic shift in how governments and societies view children.

Chris Grove

City University of New York - The Graduate Center and Baruch College, CUNY
United States of America

Claire Mahon

Legal Consultant

Claire Mahon serves as the joint Coordinator of the Project on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights at Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights . In addition she is an Adjunct Clinical Professor of Law at University of Michigan Law School and a Research Associate at Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies

Collectif des Femmes du Mali , Le COFEM


Comisión Colombiana de Juristas(Colombian Commission of Jurists), CCJ


  The Colombian Commission of Jurists was  set into force in 1988. The work of the Colombian Commission of Jurists is aimed at contributing to the development of international human rights law and international humanitarian law in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, and the full force of the State social and democratic rule of law in Colombia. The commission maintains consultative status at the UN, a subsidiary of the International Commission of Jurists in Geneva, and the Andean Commission of Jurists in Lima.

Comision Mexicana de Defensa y Promocion de los Derechos Humanos, CMDPDH


 CMDPDH is an independent, secular organization aimed at promoting respect for human rights and strengthening their interrelation and interdependence. In its work and strategies, CMDPDH is committed to honesty and integrity, independence and autonomy, and neutrality and professionalism.

Comité de Emergencia Garífuna de Honduras (Garifuna Emergency Committee of Honduras)


Comité de Emergencia Garífuna de Honduras is an autochthonous organization which promotes the sustainable development and the human rights of the Garifuna people of Honduras.  Our vision is that the Garifuna population be self-sufficient, with the capability to protect and manage their ancestral lands, defend their human rights, produce for themselves and for the market, develop themselves as an organized community, and reduce the risks of disaster. 

Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, CHRI


 The Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative is an independent, non-partisan, international NGO working for the practical realization of human rights in countries of the Commonwealth.

Community Law Centre, University of the Western Cape

South Africa

The Community Law Centre at the University of the Western Cape (‘the Centre’), established in 1990, works to realise the democratic values and human rights enshrined in South Africa’s Constitution. It is founded on the belief that our constitutional order must promote good governance, socio-economic development and the protection of the rights of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups. Given the need for regional integration to encourage development in Africa, the Centre also seeks to advance human rights and democracy in this broader context. Based on high quality research, the Centre engages in policy development, advocacy and educational initiatives, focusing on areas critical to the realisation of human rights and democracy in South Africa and Africa in general.

Conectas Direitos Humanos


Conectas Human Rights is an international non-governmental, not-for-profit organization, founded in Sao Paulo, Brazil in October 2001, with the following mission: Promoting respect for human rights and contributing to the consolidation of the Rule of Law in the Global South (Africa, Asia, and Latin America).                                                                                                                                                  Accordingly, Conectas develops programs that aim at strengthening activists and academics in the southern hemisphere and increasing their interaction with the United Nations and among them. In Brazil, and in the region, Conectas promotes strategic and public interest litigation.
Conectas was accorded Consultative Status before the UN in January 2006.



We promote the development of small scale farmers, we also develope leading capacities of men and women for the strengthen of their organizations. We elaborate purposes with incidence in the national public politics, practicing interculturaly and solidarity inside the margins of the ESCR and the defence of democracy and the human rights. With that point of view we are founders of "La Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Organizaciones del Campo CLOC y del Movimiento Intenacional "Via Campesina". Also we are part of other nets as the "Alianza Social Continental."

Conscience International, CI


Conscience International seeks to save humanity from the grip of greed, poverty and the lack of respect for human lives. Conscience International seek to eradicate various forms of injustice, working for the advancement of Women's Rights, Gender Equality, the rights of children, Peace and Conflict Resolution and Free and fair Elections.

Corporate Accountability International

United States of America

Corporate Accountability International (formerly Infact) is a membership organization that protects people by waging and winning campaigns challenging irresponsible and dangerous corporate actions around the world. Since 1977, we’ve forced corporations – like Nestlé, General Electric and Philip Morris/Altria – to stop abusive actions. As an NGO in Official Relations with the World Health Organization (WHO), we played a leading role in shaping and advancing the world’s first public health and corporate accountability treaty, the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC).

D.J. Ravindran

Human Rights Consultant

D.J. Ravindran is a lawyer and human rights activist from India currently working with the UN Mission in Cambodia.  He has worked as Legal Officer for Asia for the International Commission of Jurists, Geneva.  He was the founder of the Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (Forum-Asia), which is a regional nongovernmental alliance of human rights organizations.  He was the Secretary of the UN International Inquiry Commission on East Timor.

Danwood Chirwa

University of Cape Town, UCT
South Africa

 Dr Danwood Mzikenge Chirwa is a senior lecturer at the University of Cape Town. He teaches administrative law, international protection of human rights, and current issues in constitutional law.

Daria Caliguire

International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, ESCR-Net
United States of America

DATE National Fisheries Solidarity , NAFSO

Sri Lanka

A sustainable fisheries policy through fisher people's Movement.


David Kinley

University of Sydney

Deborah Ewing

Human Rights Consultant
South Africa

Desarrollo, Educación Y Cultura Autogestionarios Equipo Pueblo A.C., DECA Equipo Pueblo, A.C.


 Mision of the DECA Equipo Pueblo: Be an actor of public interest that acts in favor of the built of democracy of the country, that promote the debate, the elaboration of propouses and the incidences in subjects such as economic and social develpoment, of justice and of citizens participation in local, regional and international subjects. From its Citizen Diplomacy program, it has develop a line of work about promoting human rights, focusing in the Economic, Social, Cultural, and Environmental Rights. Additionally, from this program we make investigations, analyse and promote process of effect in the subjects of free trade, investments, and multilateral bankingof development. Other institutional programs are: Municipal enforcement, local development, and public iniciative.

Dignity International


 Dignity International - A Global Family for Solidarity and Human Dignity: 

Our Mission :  To empower the affected communities through human rights awareness and enrich the contents of human rights with their input; To work with and affect change in the lives of the poorest communities through local, global campaign action;  To advance the human rights framework in the overall debate on globalisation, in particular at the World Social Forum and use a human rights framework to help tackle the global and local processes of impoverishment.

Dolamohan Singhbabu

Friend's Association for Rural Reconstruction, FARR

EarthRights International, ERI

United States of America

 EarthRights International (ERI) combines the power of law and the power of people in defense of human rights and the environment. We focus our work at the intersection of human rights and the environment, which we define as earth rights. We specialize in fact-finding, legal actions against perpetrators of earth rights abuses, training for grassroots and community leaders and advocacy campaigns. Through these strategies, ERI seeks to end earth rights abuses, and to promote and protect earth rights.

Eastern Africa Coalition for ESCR , EACOR


The Eastern Africa Coalition on Economic, Social and Cultural rights (EACOR) is a coalition of church based and non church based development actors in Eastern Africa region.

Economic and Social Rights Academic Network UK and Ireland, ESRAN-UKI

United Kingdom

Seeking to complement existing academic and advocacy networks, the
Economic and Social Rights Academic Network UKI (ESRAN-UKI) will provide
an opportunity for research exchange and the strengthening of
relationships between UK and Ireland-based academics carrying out work
on ESR-related issues. 

Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Asia, ESCR Asia


We commit to contributing to the increased understanding and articulation of Asian perspectives on human rights in general particularly economic, social and cultural rights we also are committed to developing agreements on these principles and to strengthening commitment to promote ESCRs, specifically in Southeast Asia and other Asian countries.

Education and Research Association for Consumers


 ERA CONSUMER MALAYSIA acts as research, education and advocacy group. It builds linkages and works in partnership with community-based organizations and grassroots communities to strengthen their capacity and empower them to participate through initiatives in socio-economic, accountable governance, sustainable agriculture and ecological endeavors.

Egyptian Center for Housing Rights, ECHR


The Egyptian Center for Housing Rights came to fill a void in the field of human rights by addressing the problem of adequate housing on a continuous basis, rather than on an ad hoc basis. As an institution for social policy promotion and human rights defense, the Center pursues all relevant activities in the fields of monitoring, training, advocacy, research, documentation and adoption of concrete cases for socio-legal assistance.

Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, EIPR


The EIPR was established in 2002 to complement the work of other Egyptian human rights groups by adopting as its mandate, and focus of concern, a group of rights and freedoms that are closest to the human-being: his/her body, privacy and house. These rights often are ignored or overlooked. We believe that the crucial importance of public freedoms and political rights must be grounded in an understanding of the indispensability of full protection for personal rights.

Ekta Parishad


Ekta Parishad is a people's movement dedicated to non-violent principles of action. Our activists work towards building community-based governance (gram swaraj), local self-reliance (gram swawlamban) and responsible government (jawabdeh sarkar). Our aim is to see India's poorest people gain control over livelihood resources, especially land, water and forest.

We are a federation of approximately 11 000 community based organizations and have thousands of individual members. We are currently operating in 10 states, working for the land and livelihood rights of India's most marginalized communities (tribals, dalits, nomadic communities, agricultural labourers, small and marginal farmers, etc). Our work is expanding to over 20 Indian States.

El Proyecto de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales , ProDESC


ProDESC is a non-governmental organization whose main objective is to defend economic, social and cultural rights, to contribute to their effectiveness, enforceability and accountability in order to improve the quality of life of all people. Our mission is to use a holistic approach to defend the economic, social and cultural rights of persons who do not fully enjoy their rights.

EnGendeRights, Inc.


EnGendeRights, Inc. is a legal non-governmental organization advancing women's rights through domestic and international legal and policy advocacy, research, publication,  training, and impact litigation in the Philippines and in Southeast Asia.



Equalinrights is a non-governmental organisation that initiates, guides, co-ordinates, supports and documents learning processes for upstream realisation of human rights. We aim to strengthen the capacity of development practitioners to create and use upstream methodologies and strategies to move human rights concepts into action for societal transformation. Our ultimate vision is to enable men and women living in poverty and exclusion to better organise, strategise and act to assert their human rights.

Estudio Para La Defensa De Los Derechos De La Mujer, DEMUS


 Demus is a feminist organization recognized in the peruvian society and in the regional field like an organization that defends and look after the human rights of women. Its mision is to strenght an alternative trend of defence and recognition of women human rights, in particular, the sexual and reproductive rights, making a new cultural paradigm of the women. For this, develop a presure role, vigilance, and public incident to contribute to the elimination of women violence and all ways of discrimination based in the differerence of gender, class and ethnic group. Influence in the public opinion and in the alliance with other organizations to strength the democracy and the excercise of the rights. 

European Anti-Poverty Network, EAPN


 EAPN was created in December 1990 by organisations within the European Union working with people experiencing poverty and social exclusion.  EAPN is committed to the eradication of poverty and aims to put the fight against poverty and social exclusion at the top of the political agenda of the European Union.

European Roma Rights Centre , ERRC


The European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) is an international public interest law organisation engaging in a range of activities aimed at combating anti-Romani racism and human rights abuse of Roma. The approach of the ERRC involves, in particular, strategic litigation, international advocacy, research and policy development, and human rights training of Romani activists.

Evelyne Schmid

The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva

Evelyne Schmid is an Academic Researcher (working on a doctoral study in international law; examining when violations of ESCR amount to international crimes), she does research, publications and speeches on ESCR in transitional justice / post-conflict.



Fédération internationale des droits de l'Homme (International Federation for Human Rights), FIDH


 The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) was created in 1922, and today gathers together 141 national human rights organisations in over 100 countries. The aim of FIDH is to bring about significant improvements in the protection of victims of human rights violations, the prevention of human rights violations and the prosecution of those responsible for these violations.

Federation of Women Lawyers - Kenya , FIDA Kenya


  The Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) Kenya is a non- profit, non-partisan membership organization committed to the creation of a society that is free from all forms of discrimination against women. Membership to FIDA Kenya is open to Kenyan women lawyers and women law students

Femmes Côte d'Ivoire Experience, FCIEX

Cote d'Ivoire

Food First Information and Action Network, FIAN


 FIAN exposes violations of people's right to food wherever they may occur. We stand up against unjust and discriminatory practices that prevent people from feeding themselves. The struggle against gender discrimination and other forms of exclusion is an integral part of our mission. We strive to secure people's access to the resources that they need in order to feed themselves, now and in the future.

Foro Ciudadano de Participación por la Justicia y los Derechos Humanos , FOCO


FOCO was created in 1999 as an initiative of SAPRIN (Structural Adjustment Participatory Review International Network) . It was designed as a space for the convergence of many social organizations, with the purpose of promoting citizen participation in the development of public policies so that they serve the interests and well-being of local populations.

Foundation for Human Rights and Democracy , FOHRD


FOHRD is a peace building, not-for-profit, non-partisan, non-governmental, impartial and independent organization promoting and protecting human rights as well as spreading democratic values and principles in Liberia.

Frente Autentico del Trabajo, FAT


"The FAT is a national organization of workers, independent and democratic, committed to upholding the historic and immediate interests of the working class in the struggle for better living and working in momentum to a process of transformation Mexican society towards democracy and self-socialism. "

Front Line - The International Foundation for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders


Front Line was founded in Dublin in 2001 with the specific aim of protecting human rights defenders at risk, people who work, non-violently, for any or all of the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Front Line aims to address some of the needs identified by defenders themselves, including protection, networking, training and access to international bodies that can take action on their behalf.

Fundación Etnica Integral, FEI

Dominican Republic

To contribute to an integrated, human and sustainable development based on awareness, organization and participation in the discussion, planning, execution and review of the process achieved.

Ganesh Devi

Bhasha Research and Publication Centre

 Dr. Ganesh Devy is Director of the Bhasha Research Institutre and founder of the Tribal Academy, Tejgadh, Gujarat

Ge Mingzhen

Law Department, Shandong University

George Kent

University of Hawaii
United States of America

Global Action on Aging

United States of America

Global Action on Aging, based in NY, at the United Nations, reports on older persons’ needs and potential within the global economy.  It advocates by, with and for older persons worldwide.  

Global Basic Income Foundation, GBI Foundation


The GBI Foundation advocates a global basic income (GBI) to eradicate poverty. A GBI is a guaranteed, unconditional minimum income for all people worldwide for basic needs. These needs include clean drinking water, food, clothing, shelter, primary health care and education.  

Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, GI-ESCR

United States of America


The vision of the Global Initiative is of a world where all economic, social and cultural rights are respected, protected and fulfilled, so that all people are able to live in dignity.

Graciela Dede Delfino

Graciela Dede Delfino

Habi Center for Environmental Rights


The Habi Center for Environmental Rights is a non governmental organization established in 2001. It interests lie mainly in raising citizen's and NGO's awareness of environmental rights and the mechanisms available for  defending them. The Habi Center also assists people in defending their environmental rights. In this regard, the center confirms the importance of effectuating local environmental legislation and improving them to increase the efficiency of civil society's role and the benefits of international conventions.

Harvard Law School Project on Disability , HPOD

United States of America

The central mission of the Harvard Project on Disability is to support the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).

Heartland Alliance for Human Needs and Human Rights

United States of America


  The Mission of the Heartland Alliance is to advance the human rights and to respond to the human needs of endangered populations-particularly the poor, the isolated and the displaced- thru the provision of comprehensive and respectful services and the promotion of permanent solutions leading to a more just global society.

Housing and Land Rights Network / Habitat International Coalition, HIC-HLRN


 Habitat International Coalition (HIC), the global movement specialized in human settlements since 1976, comprises some 450 members in 80 countries, in the North and South. They include NGOs, community-based organisations, social movements, academic and research centers, professional associations and like-minded individuals dedicated to the struggle against deprivation of well-being and for realizing the human right to adequate housing for all.


Human and Environmental Development Agenda , HEDA


The Human and Environmental Development Agenda  (HEDA) is a non profit, non partisan and non governmental Organization committed to the promotion and protection of Human Rights and Development in Africa through empowerment and capacity building of the people and institutions responsible for the advancement of human rights and environmental development in the region.


Human Rights Centre at the School of Law, Queens University Belfast

United Kingdom

The Human Rights Centre seeks to support a community of researchers in the area of human rights law and to encourage cooperation with other academic and human rights institutions. Our ultimate aims are to produce scholarship of international excellence and to promote understanding of human rights.

Human Rights Law Resource Centre , HRLRC


The Centre seeks to promote, protect and contribute to the fulfilment of human rights in Australia, particularly the human rights of people that are disadvantaged or living in poverty, through the practice of law.

Human Rights Tech

United States of America

 We leverage information technology to assist and encourage grassroots anti-poverty initiatives. We do this by training organizations to use the Internet to build capacity, create networks of support and  broadcast the voices of poor people. We create web-based collaborative tools, establish community-based networking centers, and develop innovative models of the grassroots use of the Internet. The organization serves poor people and their communities, people of both genders and all races, in rural and urban areas, across the United States.

In-duk Ryou

National Human Rights Commission of the Republic of Korea, KNHRC
Republic of Korea (South Korea)

Indonesian Legal Aid Society Association (Perkumpulan Masyarakat Bantuan Hukum), Perkumpulan MBH



1. To empower political transformation which is based on social movement and gender justice perspective
2. To promote and fight for the guarantee of economic, social and cultural rights
3. To fight for and enforce the protection of civil & political rights, through legal reform of the judicial system, policy advocacy, and participatory action research.

Ingrid Gorre

Legal Rights and Natural Resources Center, Inc. - Kasama Sa Kalikasan, (LRC-KsK/FOE Philippines)

Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, IATP


The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy promotes resilient family farms, rural communities and ecosystems around the world through research and education, science and technology, and advocacy.

Institute for Democracy in South Africa, IDASA

South Africa

  Idasa is an independent public interest organization committed to a mission of promoting sustainable democracy based on active citizenship, democratic institutions, and social justice.

Institution for Justice and Democracy in Haiti, IJDH

United States of America

 IJDH works with the people of Haiti in their non-violent struggle for the consolidation of constitutional democracy, justice and human rights, by distributing objective and accurate information on human rights conditions in Haiti, pursuing legal cases, and cooperating with human rights and solidarity groups in Haiti and abroad.

Instituto de Estudios Legales y Sociales del Uruguay, IELSUR


 IELSUR is a non profit NGO established to defend and achieve full realization of human rights by applying domestic and international legal instruments, and doing related interdisciplinary research and advocacy.



Pólis (Institute for Studies, Education and Assistance in Political Sciences) is a national non-governmental organization and a non-profit civil association, not affiliated to any political party, pluralist and accredited as a municipal, state and federal public entity. Pólis was founded in 1987 and it can be defined by its work in the field of public policies, local development and its focus in the city.

Instituto de Formación Feminina Integral, IFFI


 IFFI is a non profit organization that has focused for 25 years on working with women in popular urban areas of the Cercado municipality and Cochabamba department. 

Instituto Latinoamericano de Servicios Legales Alternativos, ILSA


Ilsa's decades-long institutional background is related to the promotion of a critical vision of law expressed in different manners, from the defense of the alternative use of law by popular legal services, passing through the recognition of juridical pluralism, to a criticism of legal formality and the incorporation of contemporary debates on the realization of rights, constitutional transformations and gender mainstreaming. In this regard, its distinctive feature has been to propose a critical discourse and practice of law that has intended to respond to the changing economic, social and political contexts in Latin America and in Colombia.

Interchurch Organisation for Development Cooperation, ICCO


  ICCO's mission is to work towards a world in which people live in dignity and prosperity, a world where poverty and injustice are no longer present.

International Centre for Reproductive Health and Sexual Rights, INCRESE


The International Centre for reproductive health and Sexual rights (INCRESE) is the leading Nigerian NGO working for a favourable environment and expanding access to sexual health and rights information and services, valuing Autonomy, Diversity, Intergrity and Choice.

International Commission of Jurists, ICJ


 The International Commission of Jurists is dedicated to the primacy, coherence and implementation of international law and principles that advance human rights.


International Human Rights Internship Program, IHRIP

United States of America

 IHRIP's mission and work are based on the belief that human rights activists have knowledge and skills as a result of their day-to-day work which are important to the success not only of their own work, but to the work of other activists and organizations, whether in their own or in other countries and regions. The human rights movement—in specific countries and regions as well as internationally—is strengthened through the exchange of this knowledge, experience and expertise.

International Women and Mining Network , RIMM


The International Women and Mining Network is the only international platform which works for and brings together women affected by mining projects , as well as women mine workers exploited by mining operations

International Women's Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific , IWRAW Asia Pacific


Philosophy:  As a human rights organisation, IWRAW Asia Pacific places women at the centre of our work. We are committed to generating conditions and spaces which nurture opportunities for sharing, creating awareness of and realising human rights for all women. We seek to accomplish this through a spirit of respect for and mutual cooperation with those we work with.

Jacques Tshibwabwa Kuditshini

University of Kinshasa
Democratic Republic of the Congo

 Kuditshini works with the University of Kinshasa in the Political Studies Center (CEP) in the Department of Administrative and Political Sciences,

Jamil Junejo

Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum, Center for Peace and Civil Society


  • Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum,
  • Center for Peace and Civil Society,
  • NGO forum on ADB,
  • Liberal Forum of Pakistan,
  • Center for Civil Education,
  • Aga Khan Foundation,
  • International Visitors Leadership Program,
  • Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.

Justiça Global (Global Justice), JG


 Global Justice is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of human rights in Brazil through rigorous factfinding, documentation and reporting, as well as the use of international mechanisms for the protection of human rights.

Justice, Development & Peace/Caritas Commission


Justice, Development & Peace/Caritas Commission,  is an arm of the Catholic Church and a nonprofit organization, a response of the church to the unjust structures of our society; persons and situations in conflict; marginalised persons/places and finally where underdevelopment has a grip on the society. It goes to offer relentlessly her services to enhance fairplay, equity and transparency; peace and concord as it is the ultimate for progress of any society; freedom and knowledge of the human right principle; finally mobilises and advocates for the total development of persons, places and situations.

K'nyaw Paw

Karen Women's Organization, KWO

 K'nyaw Paw is the Advocacy Team Leader for the Karen Women's Organization, a a community based organization of Karen women working in development and relief in the refugee camps on the Thai border and with IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) and women inside Burma.

Karimojong Community Child Welfare Initiatives , KACOCI


The mission of KACOCI is to transform the welfare of Karimojong Women and Children.

Kebetkache Women Development & Resource Centre


The mission of Kebetkache Women Development & Resource Centre is to promote the rights of women and develop their leadership potentials, and to mobilize for the promotion of social justice and democratic principles.

Kensington Welfare Rights Union, KWRU

United States of America

Kenya Land Alliance, KLA


The Kenya Land Alliance (KLA) is a not-for-profit and non-partisan umbrella network of Civil Society Organizations and Individuals committed to effective advocacy for the reform of policies and laws governing land in Kenya. KLA was founded in 1999 and registered as a Trust in 2001.

Kituo Cha Sheria (Center for Legal Empowerment)


KITUO was established as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in 1973 by a group of lawyers who recognized that inability to access justice occasioned by poverty, marginalization and vulnerability undermined fundamental human and peoples' rights

Labour, Health and Human Rights Development Center, LHAHRDEV


Land Center for Human Rights, LCHR


 Land Center for Human Rights is a nongovernmental, non-profit organization, first launched in 1996 to provide assistance and support for the farmers dismissed from their land by virtue of the Land Tenure Law no. 96/1992.

Lawyers for a Democratic Society, MINBYUN

Republic of Korea (South Korea)

 The objective of MINBYUN is to contribute to the overall democratic movement by providing legal expertise and rational alternatives to advance progressive and constructive reforms. MINBYUN makes an effort to achieve the development of democracy in Korea through litigation, research, and investigation, increasing public awareness and joint activities to protect basic human rights and attain social justice.

Legal Resources Centre (Ghana), LRC


The Legal Resources Centre (LRC) is a non-governmental, not-for-profit human rights organisation formed in 1997 by a group of Ghanaian lawyers and law students. It was incorporated as a company limited by guarantee under the laws of Ghana in February 1998. The underlying philosophy of the LRC is that democracy would only thrive in an environment in which the majority of the people:
Know and understand their basic human rights;
Have quick and effective access to justice and entitlements; and
Understand and play their role in the functioning of the constitutional democratic structures.

Legal Resources Centre (South Africa), LRC

South Africa

 The Legal Resources Centre is an independent, client-based, non-profit public interest law clinic which uses law as an instrument of justice. It works for the development of a fully democratic society based on the principle of substantive equality, by providing free legal services for the vulnerable and marginalised, including the poor, homeless, and landless people and communities of South Africa who suffer discrimination by reason of race, class, gender, disability or by reason of social, economic, and historical circumstances.

Luisa Nardi

Sant'Anna School of University Studies and Doctoral Research, ITPCM-SSSUP

Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona

United Nations Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights

Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona is the United Nations Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights since May 2008.

Mahila Sarvangeen Utkarsh Mandal , MASUM



MASUM is a development group with a feminist perspective and a democratic approach, working on issues of Health, Domestic Violence, Women's Resource Development and Self-Employment, using a human rights approach through community mobilization and through democratic, secular and non-violent interventions. MASUM works in the rural areas of 18 villages composed of about 30,000 people in the Maharashtra State in India with oppressed, marginalized and minority groups , placing emphasis on the importance of their participation in all activities and programs. MASUM aims to develop awareness about various forms of exploitation and abuse faced by the underprivileged and minority groups in these communities and assists them in organizing themselves to deal with these problems.


Maison des Droits de l'Homme du Cameroun , MDHC


The Maison des Droits de l'Homme du Cameroun is a coalition of civil society organizations, led by the ACAT-lt (Christian Action for the Abolition of Torture).

Malcolm Langford

Norwegian Centre for Human Rights and Hakijamii (Economic and Social Rights Centre)

Maria Herminia Graterol Garrido

IWRAW Asia-Pacific

Mary Jane Real

Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development, APWLD

 Mary Jane Real is the Regional Coordinator of The Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development and a human rights defender.

Masimanyane Women Support Centre

South Africa

Masimanyane Women's Support Centre is a non-profit international women's organisation based in East London, South Africa. With a specific focus on gender-based violence, sexual and reproductive health and rights and the gendered nature of HIV and Aids,Masimanyane Women's Support Centre aims to build the capacity of women and human rights advocates to claim and realise women's human rights. This is done through the development of new knowledge and the utilisation of a rights-based approach.



Maureen Meyer

Associate, Washington Office on Latin America
United States of America

Is the Associate for Mexico and Central America and directs WOLA's work and mexico. She also handles general Central America-related concerns such as human rights and electoral issues.

Mazingira Institute


 The Mazingira Instituteis  a civic organization committed to the full realization of democracy, human dignity and ecological sustainability.

Media Mobilizing Project , MMP

United States of America

The Media Mobilizing Project (MMP) exists to unleash the powerful combination of communications, media making and organizing in order to clarify the issues at stake, document lived human realities, and act as a tool to inspire and unite those who have a vested interested in change.

Michael Lerner

Community Legal Education Center, CLEC

Minar Pimple

International Human Rights Consultant
United States of America

Minar Pimple is an expert on poverty reduction, governance and accountability with particular expertise in human rights, sustainable development and land rights/ownership. He has undertaken extensive campaign and advocacy work to promote basic social services, including education, health and sustainable livelihoods for the rural and urban poor at the sub-national, national and international levels.

mines, minerals & PEOPLE, mm&P


 mines, minerals & PEOPLE is a growing alliance of individuals, institutions and communities who are concerned and affected by mining. The isolated struggles of different groups have led us to form into broad a national alliance for combating the destructive nature of mining.

Minority Rights Group International, MRGI



MRG is an international non-governmental organization (NGO) with an international governing Council that meets twice a year. We have consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and observer status with the African Commission for Human and Peoples' Rights.


MRG is the leading international human rights organization working to secure rights for ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities and indigenous people around the world.

Mouvement pour le Progres de Roche Bois, MPRB


MPRB identifies its mission as :

To improve the social, economic, and political environment of Roche Bois with a national and regional perspective of integration, and the respect of all the fundamental rights of the inhabitants of Roche Bois and all citizens of the Republic of Mauritius.

Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People, MOSOP


 The Movement for the Survival of Ogoni People (MOSOP) is an Ogoni-based non-governmental, non-political apex organisation of the Ogoni ethnic minority people of South-Eastern Nigeria and was founded in 1990 with the mandate to campaign non-violently to:

   * Promote democratic awareness

   * Protect the environment of the Ogoni People

   * Seek social, economic and physical development for the region

   * Protect the cultural rights and practices of the Ogoni people

   * seek appropriate rights of self determination for the Ogoni people.

Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens/Movement of Dam Affected People, MAB


Movement of affected by dams is a popular movement, autonomus,of masses and of base whose goal is to organize the population that are threatened or afdected by dams-most of them hidroelectric dams. We fight to l for the rights of these populations, principally to their land, contributing in the construction of a new alternative model of energy for the betterment of Brazil 

Multi-Initiative on Rights: Search, Assist, Defend, MIRSAD


MIRSAD is an independent non-governamental organization dedicated to serve the human being in Lebanon and Lebanese around the world by focusing on improving the recognition of human rights, integrity, fundamental freedoms, and good governance. The ultimate aim is to energize the individuals and qualified groups through the creation, support, and defense of an effective, democratic, secular and transparent civil society.

Murielle Mignot

Independent Human Rights Consultant

Nairobi Peoples Settlements Network , NPSN



The Nairobi People's Settlement Network (NPSN) is at its core a human rights organization concerned with disseminating information-from government housing policies to international human rights treaties-in order to "give people the tools of knowledge to agitate for their rights" throughout Nairobi, Kenya's eight municipal district. Representatives from each of the districts meet twice a month to share the best practices on slum upgrading issues and to plan cohesive campaigns regarding everything from water and sewerage, to land tenure and protection against eviction. 

Their motto is- Our rights: our life and their vision is one of a just, vibrant and development oriented society. In their own words the N.P.S.N exists to enhance people’s participation in all levels of development based on the principles of equity, transparency and accountability, respect of human rights and democracy.


National Economic and Social Rights Initiative, NESRI

United States of America

 The National Economic and Social Rights Initiative (NESRI) promotes a human rights vision for the United States that ensures dignity and access to the basic resources needed for human development and civic participation.
Towards this end, NESRI works with organizers, policy advocates and legal organizations to incorporate a human rights perspective into their work and build human rights advocacy models tailored for the U.S.

National Fisheries Solidarity , NAFSO

Sri Lanka

A sustainable fisheries policy through fisher people's Movement.

National Union of Domestic Employees , NUDE

Trinidad and Tobago

The mission of NUDE is to secure the best quality of life for low income workers by providing effective representation, skillful negotiation, agressive advocacy, and continunous programs of training and education for the personal development of the worker and her/his family.

Network Movement for Justice and Development, NMJD

Sierra Leone


The Network Movement for Justice and Development (NMJD) is a national civil society organization. It was established in 1988 in Kenema, eastern Sierra Leone, by nine former members of the Young Christian Students (YCS) Movement with the aim of working towards building a just and self-reliant Sierra Leone, where the marginalized and exploited would be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge and empowered to take control of their own lives. The inspiration to establish the Movement was borne out of the unflinching commitment of the founders to the total liberation of the poor and marginalized in society.

Observatoire Congolais Des Droits de l'homme , OCDH

Congo, Republic of


Mission Statement: To promote, protect and defend human rights, rule of law and democracy. Governance, Vulnerable peoples' rights (women, children, refugees, indigenous peoples) Litigation, Training and education in law, peace and democracy and Protection

Observatorio de Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas (Chile) , OBDPI


A non-governmental organization devoted to promoting, documenting and advocating the rights of indigenous peoples, OBDPI seeks to raise the awareness of Chile’s society and government about the reality of the country’s indigenous peoples, and about the need to have their internationally protected individual and collective rights acknowledged and respected in Chile.

Observatorio de Política Social y Derechos Humanos de INCIDE Social, A.C.


Office of Human Rights, Mahidol University, OHRSD


The Office of Human Rights Studies and Social Development (OHRSD) aims to develop the ways and means by which human rights are transformed into social and political realities at the community, national and international levels. It does so primarily through educating human rights practitioners, but also through outreach programs to community and international organizations, and conducting cutting edge research on issues of crucial importance to human rights.

Ogiek Peoples Development Program , OPDP


OPDP is dedicated to the Ogiek culture, the protection of nature and the improvement of socio-economic opportunities by way of building the synergies of the Ogiek youth and women through education.  OPDP gives attention to the special needs of persons with disability, youth and the elderly, as well as to social justice, peace, family stability and food security.  Its pioneer project area covers all Ogiek inhabited areas. Above all, the OPDP is committed to the eradication of poverty amongst the Ogiek peoples.

Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum, PFF


 The Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum (PFF) is a civil society organization created in May of 1998. The PFF aims to protect the socioeconomic and political rights of indigenous fisherfolk communities in Pakistan by bringing sustainability in the usage of water resources. It vows to bring a change in socio-economic conditions of these communities by ensuring the restoration of their historical ownership right in and on the water resources.

Patricia Ramirez Parra

Integrante de la Ruta Pacifica de las Mujeres y del Movimiento de Mujeres Contra la Guerra

Paulina Garzon

Columbia University / Centro de Derechos Económicos y Sociales (CDES)
United States of America

Pemii Benedict


People's Health Movement , PHM

South Africa

PHM is a network of networks of grassroots health organizations, and individuals committed to the principles of the Alma Ata Declaration of Health For All Now. It has a presence in over 70 countries and has a prominent advocacy role with the UN and other international organizations. Since 2006, it is carrying out a global right to health campaign.

People's Movement for Human Rights Learning, PDHRE

United States of America

 Founded in 1988, the People's Decade of Human Rights Education (PDHRE-International) is a non-profit, international service organization that works directly and indirectly with its network of affiliates - primarily women's and social justice organizations - to develop and advance pedagogies for human rights education relevant to people's daily lives in the context of their struggles for social and economic justice and democracy.

Plataforma Dhesca Brasil


Poverty Initiative at Union Theological Seminary

United States of America

We are dedicated to raising up generations of religious and community leaders committed to building a movement, led by the poor, to end poverty.

Programa de Justicia Global y Derechos Humanos


Global Justice and Human Rights presents legal actions, studies, courses, projects, and public interventions to promote the international law of human rights. The members of "Global Justice" are professors and students from Los Andes University. The program also works closely with people from social movements, NGOs and universities, from Latin-America and elsewhere.

Programa DESC, Universidad Diego Portales


 The Program has as its central objective the discussion, promotion and protection of human rights from a public interest perspective. Relying on both academic and professional approaches, the Program has developed research projects, litigation strategies and legal monitoring and debate on key human rights issues in Chile. In all these activities, the Program works closely with organzations and peoples from civil society, reciprocally influencing the theoretical construction and practical implementation of human rights.



We are a nongovernmental, independent organization, independent  of political parties religious institutions, whose aim is the promotion and defense of t human rights, in particular  economic, social and cultural rights. We provide for the promotion and the consolidation of already existing initiatives while developing our own programs concering the  defense, education and furtherance of t human rights, it is our goal to offer  the necessary elements for the defense of one's rights, stimulating organization and autonomy and the support of legal conflicts with practices that combine the use of legal and extrajudicial mechanisms. This is accomplished through multidisciplinary team of work using different programs approved by the Assembly, composed by associate members and two representatives of the Consultative Council.

Programme on Women's Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, PWESCR


PWESCR is an international advocacy and educational initiative started in 2005 , working in the area of women and their economic, social and cultural rights (ESCR). From its base in India, PWESCR works to promote the human rights of women, addressing women's poverty, health standards, and right to food, education, water and work. We do that by bringing a gender perspective to policy, law and practice at the local, national, regional and international levels.

Raju Prasad Chapagai

Forum for Protection of Public Interest, Pro Public

Raju Prasad Chapagai is a Public Interest Attorney at Pro Public (Forum for Protection of Public Interest), a non-profit, non-government organization that focuses on issues of good governance, protection of natural and cultural heritage, pollution control, gender justice, and consumer protection in Nepal. Chapagai drafts petitions and represents clients in environmental and gender cases.

Realizing Rights: The Ethical Globalization Initiative, EGI

United States of America

 Realizing Rights: The Ethical Globalization Initiative (RR) addresses three urgent issues required for greater human development and security: fostering more equitable international trade and development; strengthening responses to HIV/AIDS in Africa; and shaping more humane migration policies. Our mission is to put human rights standards at the heart of global governance and policy-making and to ensure that the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable are addressed on the global stage.

Rencontre Pour La Paix Et Les Droits de L'Homme, RPDH

Congo, Republic of

RPDH works for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, through establishing the Rule of Law, good governance, natural resource transparency, education and citizen participation. We believe that no peace is possible without social justice. RPDH intends to make a connection between natural resource transparency, poverty reduction and development.   

Rights and Accountability in Development, RAID

United Kingdom

 RAID was founded in 1997 to promote a rights-based approach to development. We work with local activists and human rights, development and environmental organisations to advance the economic, social, and cultural rights of people living in poverty to ensure that their aspirations and needs are respected by governments, international financial institutions and the private sector.

Rodrigo Bustos Bottai




 Samata is a social justice organization working for the rights of the tribal/adivasi people of Andhra Pradesh and for the protection of the natural resources and livelihoods of the marginalized.

Sarmila Shrestha

Justice for All


  • President, Justice for All (J4A) from 2010 onward
  • Secretary, Constitutional Lawyers' Forum, Kathmandu, Nepal,  from  2010 onwards
  • Member,  Human Rights Education Forum for South Asia, Equitas, Canada, 2011 onwards
  • Treasurer Member, Constitutional Lawyers' Forum, Kathmandu, Nepal,  2008 to 2010
  • Member, Lalitpur District Court Bar Association, Nepal from 2000 onwards
  • Member, National Core Group (SARI/Q) at Regional Level between 2005 and 2006
  • Secretary, Friends of Sankhu (FOS) Sankhu, Kathmandu, Nepal between 2004 and 2008
  • Members, National MenEngange Alliance, Nepal,  from 2006 -2009



Shelter Forum , SF


Since its inception in 1990, Shelter Forum (SF) has been actively involved in shelter issues.  It  endeavors to bring together like-minded Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), Community-based Organisations (CBOs), other Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and communities to champion the course of shelter locally, regionally and internationally.

Social and Economic Rights Action Center-Indonesia, SiDAN


Strengthening activist of civil society organization to using ESC Rights with developing rights based approach

Social and Economic Rights Action Centre , SERAC


The Social and Economic Rights Action Centre (SERAC) is a non-governmental, non partisan and voluntary initiative established for the promotion and protection of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Nigeria.

Social Rights Advocacy Centre, SRAC


  SRAC is a not for profit, non-governmental organization incorporated in 2002. Its mission is to relieve poverty and improve access of low-income persons and otherdisadvantaged groups to adequate food, clothing, housing, education, healthcare and other requirements of dignity, equality and security through research and education, and by providing legal advocacy and representation to disadvantaged individuals and groups in the area of social rights.

Socio Economic Rights Initiative, SERI


SERI is a Nigerian non-governmental organization dedicated to the formation of due process and basic standards in economic, social and cultural rights.



The Socio Legal Information Centre (Human Rights Law Network) is a collective of lawyers and social activists dedicated to the use of the legal system to advance human rights, to maintain the struggle against violations, and to ensure access to justice for all. A not-for-profit, non-governmental organization, HRLN defines rights to include economic, social and cultural rights as well as civil and political rights. they believe human rights are universal and indivisible, and their realization is an immediate goal.

Socio-Economic Rights Foundation , SRF


The Socio-Economic Rights Foundation identifies its vision as: to ensure that economic, social and cultural rights are mainstreamed within popular human rights protection and promotion mechanisms. the mission  of SRF is to be a leading agency for institutionalising the respect, protection and fulfillment of economic, social and cultural rights .

Socio-Economic Rights Institute of South Africa , SERI

South Africa

SERI is a new organisation registered as a section 21 not-for-profit company which provides professional, dedicated and expert socio-economic rights assistance to individuals, communities and social movements in the form of rigorous research, engagement with government, policy/legal advocacy and reform, civil society networking and public interest litigation.

Soeurs Unies à l'Oeuvre , SUO


 Soeurs Unies à l'Oeuvre is a non-governmental organization of national character that was created on 4 April 1993. SUO works towards the advancement and protection of rights for high-risk groups such as orphans , women  and children, providing  nutrition education centers to enable economic empowerment .

Southeast Asian Council for Food Security and Fair Trade, SEACON


The Southeast Asian Council for Food Security and Fair Trade (SEACON), a regional non-government and non -profit organization based in Malaysia, was established in 1996. SEACON provides a coordinated approach as well as integrated initiatives and research in areas of food security and sovereignty; human rights; agriculture and trade issues ; aiming towards building a common platform to enable government, private sector and civil society organizations to meet and dialogues on agriculture and trade issues.

Southern Africa Human Rights Non Governmental Organization Network Tanzania Chapter , SAHRiNGON - TANZANIA CHAPTER


SAHRiNGON -Tanzania Chapter is a private, voluntary, non governmental, and non- partisan network organization established to ensure government implementation of its commitments under human rights instruments and national policies, laws and other strategies for realization of social -economic development in the country and beyond.

Stakeholder Democracy Network


Stakeholder Democracy Network is a relatively new organisation established in 2004/2005 with a mission to focus on improving the leverage that communities in regions with extractive resources have in their relationships with companies and governments.

Sustainable Development Foundation , SDF


SDF adopts an operational direction to empower NGOs and networks of organizations at local, provincial, regional and national levels. It does this by developing knowledge on natural resource management by communities in a holistic and integrated manner, through organizing forums to promote shared learning, organizing study tours, and through facilitating networking and publishing media. SDF promotes and advocates human rights, and the development of transparent public policies related to natural resource management, which are solutions and approaches conducive to sustainable development.

TEBTEBBA Foundation (Indigenous Peoples' Centre for Policy Research and Education), TEBTEBBA


Tebtebba is an indigenous peoples' organization and a research, education, policy advocacy and resource center working with indigenous peoples at all levels and arenas. We seek the recognition, promotion and protection of indigenous peoples' rights and aspirations while building unities to uphold social and environmental justice and sustainability.



 Terra de Direitos acts to defend human rights, contributing  to the fight for the  emancipation of the popular social movements where  human rights are often violated.

Thailand Burma Border Consortium, TBBC


The Thailand Burma Border Consortium, a non-profit, non-governmental humanitarian relief and development agency, is an alliance of NGOs, working together with displaced people of Burma, to respond to humanitarian needs, strengthen self-reliance and promote appropriate and lasting solutions in pursuit of their dignity, justice and peace.

The Democracy & Workers' Rights Center in Palestine , DWRC


The Democracy and Workers' Rights Center in Palestine is  a nongovernmental, nonprofit worker's rights organization unaffiliated with any political party  that was created in 1993. DWRC works to promote worker's direct experience of democracy through the advancement of labor education and democratic unions. It equips and mobilizes the Palestinian labor force to actively participate in building a democratic society and to promote and defend the rights of Palestinian workers.

The Democracy Center


 The Democracy Center works globally to advance human rights through a unique combination of investigation and reporting, training citizens in the art of public advocacy, and organizing international citizen campaigns. Through all of these efforts the Center is working to help build a global citizenry that understands the public issues before it and is able to take effective public action. A special emphasis of our work is economic globalization and the movement for global democracy and justice.

The International Centre for the Legal Protection of Human Rights, Interights

United Kingdom

INTERIGHTS, the International Centre for the Legal Protection of Human Rights works to promote respect for human rights through the use of law. We do so by providing legal expertise to lawyers, judges, human rights defenders and other partners concerning international and comparative human rights law. The main focus of our work is strategic litigation - bringing or supporting cases in critical areas where there is either a potential for human rights standards to be developed or where existing standards are under threat.

The Jus Semper Global Alliance, TJSGA

United States of America

The sole purpose of our Alliance is to contribute to global social justice by creating, at the micro-level, the ethos necessary to make all stakeholders of the global market system work to achieve equal terms of participation, so that all participants have the same opportunities to live a dignified life and benefit from a new and sustainable economic paradigm.

The Kenya Human Rights Commission , KHRC


The Mission of the KHRC is to promote, protect and enhance the realization of all human rights for all individuals and groups. A two-pronged strategy informs this Mission: a) facilitating and supporting individuals, communities and groups to claim and defend their rights; and b) holding state and non-state actors accountable for the protection and respect of all human rights for all Kenyans.

The Program on Human Rights and the Global Economy, PHRGE

United States of America

The Program on Human Rights and the Global Economy (PHRGE) at the Northeastern University School of Law was founded in 2005 to engage in the study, promotion, implementation and constructive critique of rights-based approaches to economic development and social transformation, with particular attention to economic, social and cultural rights.  It has a threefold mission:
(1) To promote human rights, particularly economic, social and cultural rights, within the
Northeastern community;
(2) To support cutting-edge scholarship on human rights, with a particular focus on economic, social
and cultural rights; and
(3) To work to implement human rights norms and sound economic development approaches

Thomas Bruno Nzumbi

Tanzania Council for Social Development, TACOSODE

Tierraviva a los Pueblos Indigenas del Chaco


  Tierraviva a los Pueblos Indigenas del Chaco is a nongovernmental organization, founded in 1994 with the aim of supporting indigenous peoples, particularly those in the Chaco region of Paraguay, in order to achieve the full exercise of their rights are recognized by the Constitution, national legislation and international conventions ratified by the Paraguayan State.

Tribunal de Mujeres y Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales , Tribunal Mujeres y DESC


Tyler Giannini

Harvard Law School, Human Rights Program
United States of America

 Tyler Giannini is the Clinical Director of Human Rights Program, and a Lecturer on Law at Harvard Law School. Prior to coming to HLS, Tyler was co-director of EarthRights International (ERI), an organization at the forefront of efforts to link human rights and environmental protection. As a founder of ERI, Giannini spent the past decade in Thailand conducting investigative fact-finding efforts on human rights abuses in Burma and groundbreaking corporate accountability litigation.

Uganda Environmental Education Foundation, UEEF


The Uganda Environmental Education Foundation (UEEF)is an indigenous Non-governmental organization founded by a group of Professional Environmentalist in 1997 that promotes alternative renewable energy conservation in schools and communities.

Vincent Calderhead

Nova Scotia Legal Aid, NSLA

Vincent Calderhead is a senior staff lawyer with Nova Scotia Legal Aid.Throughout his 21-year career with Nova Scotia Legal Aid, Calderhead has used litigation as a tool to advance social and economic rights, and his work has resulted in considerable legal victories for low-income people, at various tribunals and levels of court.

Waso Trustland Project


 Waso Trustland Project was founded by like minded activists in 1996. The Organization was formed to advocate for the rights of the pastoral Community of Isiolo, in regard to land and land based resources.

Western Shoshone Defense Project, WSDP

United States of America

 WSDP's mission is to affirm Newe (Western Shoshone) jurisdiction within Newe Sogobia (Western Shoshone homelands) by protecting, preserving and restoring Newe rights and lands for present and future generations based on Newe cultural and spiritual tradition.


United States of America

 WITNESS uses the power of video to open the eyes of the world to human rights abuses.  By partnering with local organizations around the globe, WITNESS empowers human rights defenders to use video as a tool to shine a light on those most affected by human rights violations, and to transform personal stories of abuse into powerful tools of justice. 

Women in Law and Development in Africa, WiLDAF


Women in Law and Development in Africa (WiLDAF) is a pan-African, non-governmental, non-profit organization that brings together individuals and organizations to promote a culture for the exercise and respect for women's rights in Africa through a variety of tools, including law.

Women's Economic Agenda Project, WEAP

United States of America

 The Women's Economic Agenda Project demands economic justice for poor women and their families by effecting societal and governmental policies that relegate women to the bottom of the economic pyramid and by assisting poor women achieve a livable wage by providing the technical training, emotional support and linkage to the resources her family needs. We envision a world in which all women and their families have the shelter and nourishment they need to enjoy a happy, healthy and productive life. We recognize that policies that affect the poorest of our sisters affect all women.

World Organisation Against Torture, OMCT


   The aim of World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) is to contribute to the struggle against torture, summary executions, disappearances, arbitrary detention, psychiatric internment for political reasons, and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Yiaku Peoples Association


Our mission is to strive to realize sustainable livelihoods through efficient and effective resource mobilization management and broadening equal democratic participation space for all persons in the communities.

Yves Lador


Zi Teng

Hong Kong SAR, China

Zi Teng is a non-governmental organization working for the benefits of sex workers, which is involved in outreach work and provision of legal, occupational safety and health information to sex workers. We believe that all sex workers should have a right to live in dignity and to have human rights respected as other workers do. Through conducting research and public education, the organization aims to let public know about the situation of sex workers in order to eradicate the social prejudices against sex work and people involved.

Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association, ZELA


Using the law to promote and protect the Environmental, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of poor communities and conserve the environment.

Zimbabwe Women Lawyers Association, ZWLA


Zimbabwe Women Lawyers Association(ZWLA) is an association of women lawyers that was established in 1992 by a group of women who were all lawyers in either private practice, government service or the academia and non-governmental sector.