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This High Court case was brought with the support of Hakijamii, a human rights organization based in Nairobi that has been a member of ESCR-Net since 2005; and stemmed from the request of more than 1,000 individuals, evicted from their homes located in six communities commonly known as the Medina Location of Garissa municipality.

The Kenyan High Court has just issued an important decision on the implementation of economic, social and cultural rights (ESCRs), based on the country's new constitution and international human rights law.

The Kenyan High Court has just issued an important decision on the implementation of economic, social and cultural rights (ESCRs), based on the country's new constitution and international human rights law. The decision was a great achievement for Kenyan civil society, Hakijamii, ESCR-Net, the members of the ESCR-Net's Adjudication Working Group, and our goal of promoting economic, social and cultural rights around the world.

Following the adoption of a new constitution, civil society organizations in Kenya are working to create new policies and legislative proposals in order to domesticate and implement internationally recognized human rights.

Several ESCR-Net members including the Nairobi People's Settlement...

Social movements and grassroots leaders from across the Americas, Africa, and Asia came together in Nairobi, Kenya in 2008 to organize and participate in three full days of strategic meetings of the Social Movement Working Group to support mutual-learning amongst social movements, strengthen solidarity and support between social movements and NGOs, and to organize solidarity visits to stand in support and learn from Kenyan social movements in their struggle.

In the 1970s, the Kenyan government evicted hundreds of Endorois families from their land around the Lake Bogoria area in the Rift Valley to create a game reserve for tourism.  The Endorois, an indigenous people, had been promised compensation and benefits, but these were never fully implemented, and the community's access to the land was restricted to the discretion of the Game Reserve Authority. This prevented the community from practicing their pastoralist way of life, using ceremonial and religious sites, and accessing traditional medicines.

ESCR-Net stands in solidarity with human rights defenders in Kenya, who suffer violence at the hands of security forces and other violations of human rights.

Download below the Summary Report of the International Strategy Meeting on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and ESCR-Net General Assembly, as well as the Social Movements and Grassroots Groups Gathering and Solidarity Visits, which endeavors to capture the main issues discussed, as well as the decisions that were adopted during our enriching meetings in Kenya from 29 November-5 December, 2008.

Working Group(s) / Area(s) of Work: 
Social Movements & Grassroots Groups