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In 2010, expectant mothers Millicent Awuor Omuya and Margaret Anyoso Oliele planned to deliver their children in clinics with affordable maternity fees. However, due to possible complications, both women were transferred to Pumwani Maternity Hospital, East Africa’s largest referral maternity hospital. In Ms. Awuor’s case, even though the complications did not materialize, she was still charged 3,600 Kenya Shillings (Kshs). She unsuccessfully sought assistance with these fees from a hospital social worker and the hospital matron.

On May 26, 2017, the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights (the Court) issued the historic judgment that the Kenyan government (the State) had violated seven articles of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (the Charter) by evicting the indigenous Ogiek people from their ancestral land in the Mau Forest. That decision ordered the government to take all appropriate measures to remedy the violations, and stipulated that the issue of reparations would be decided separately.

Working Group(s) / Area(s) of Work: 
Social Movements & Grassroots Groups

Human rights organizations called on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to cancel the illegitimate debt  and prioritize human rights and social protection in their plans and programs. ESCR-Net’s Economic Policy Working Group provided this space for its members in the African region to deepen the collective analysis of these debt crises, their histories and structural drivers, and the impacts on human rights while outlining alternatives and strategies for resistance.

Working Group(s) / Area(s) of Work: 
Social Movements & Grassroots Groups
Working Group(s) / Area(s) of Work: 
Women & ESCR

Ten petitioners, on behalf of 326 other residents of City Cotton and Upendo villages alleged that the respondents (1st Moi Education Centre Co. LTD, 2nd the Inspector General of police, 3rd the Cabinet Secretary for Lands, Housing, and Urban Development, and 4th the Attorney General) violated the petitioners’ right to housing guaranteed under Article 43 of the Kenyan Constitution.

Globally, countries are facing social, political, economic and environmental crises intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic. For low- and middle-income countries these crises have been compounded by debt burdens, constraining governments' ability to respond. This phenomenon has heightened...

In September 2011, 3,000 families were given only 7 days prior notice before they were evicted from the land next to the Wilson Airport. Their shelters were destroyed. The Kenya Airports Authority owned the plot of land next to the airport, but the resident families of the Mitumba Village had occupied the property for some time.