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The Due Process of Law Foundation (DPLF) and the Red de Cooperación Amazónica (RCA) have recently launched the publication ...

ESCR-Net member Plataforma Dhesca has been chosen to head the National Human Rights Council (NHRC) in Brazil, which seeks to promote and defend human rights...

The Red Latinoamericana sobre Industrias Extractivas (RLIE), of which Fundar, Centro de Análisis e Investigación is a member, launched a new website...

Several Women and ESCR Working Group (WESCR WG) members participated in and led sessions at the 2016 13th AWID International Forum, “Feminist Futures: Building Collective Power for Rights and Justice,” from September 8-11 2016 in Bahia, Brazil. These included:...

ESCR-Net is deeply saddened to learn of the violent death of Nilce de Souza Magalhães. The body of “Nicinha,” as she was known by her friends and fellow leaders, was found on Tuesday, June 21, in the lake that had been created by the same Jirau Dam, run by the...

On 3 June 2016, the International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR-Net) sent a letter to 34 presidents and prime ministers of Member States of the...

The movements of people affected by dams, includding several ESCR-Members, from different Latin-American countries call to organizations, networks, activists and social movements to sum to the mobilizations of the week of March 14...

São Paulo, 24 January, 2016 TO: Sérgio Condeli, Police Department in the State of Rondonia Francisco Borges Neto, Special Delegate for Repression of Crimes Against Life Elias Chaquian Filho, Promotor of Justice RE: Investigation into the disappearance of Ms. Nilce de Souza Magalhães We, the...